the elephantdesk - the ultimate solid wood standing desk

How to Maintain Your Solid Wood Standing Desk

Solid wood furniture is a great investment that adds flavor to your home. And it is worth investing time to maintain them. It won't take too much effort to have your solid wood furniture last for decades!

Proper Environment

A good environment for solid wood furniture is the same for human beings. it is recommended to keep the usage temperature at 60 to 80 degrees, and humidity between 30-45 percent range. Also, keeping the Elephant Desk away from long-hour exposure to the sun is a good way to avoid discoloration over time. But if you enjoy the sunlight falling on the desk sometime during the day, it's totally fine if the sunlight will go away and the Elephant Desk returns to shadow within a few hours.

Dust Removal

Dust accumulates on every object at home. It is known that dust, along with harmful particles that stay on solid wood surfaces might cause damage to your Elephant Desk as time went by. For more information on how dust and the particles it carries could be harmful to human health, please see the post from NewScientist. Thanks to our matte-finished surface, the dust problem should be the least concern. Clean the Elephant Desks surface when the dust is overwhelming. Dusting is good for solid wood furniture and your health. Microfiber cloth, towel, or feather is recommended, according to BHG.

Avoid Source of Heating

Keeping the Elephant Desk too close to the source of heating might cause structural damage to the solid wood and scratches might appear over time. Please keep the desk away from the heat of any forms. And if hot drinks spill on the surface, simply clean with a soft cloth.

Avoid Sharp Object

No one wants to see dents and scratches on solid wood furniture. Prevention is better than cure for this topic. Be careful with placing sharp-edged items on your desk and be gentle when putting and taking stuff away.

Overall, Elephant Desks engineered surface finishing that allows you to maintain the solid wood at a low cost. Please visit our collections for more details.

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